Departmental Scholarships

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Scholarship: Grady Langford, Jr Schp

Information: The Grady H. Langford, Jr. Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund in Finance was established in 2011 by the family of Grady H. Langford, Jr. to honor him and his beliefs in the unsurpassed qualify of education provided by Baylor University. Grady Langford, a lifetime central Texas resident, returned to Baylor University after serving as a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy Air Corp in World War II. He earned a B.B.A. degree with concentrations in finance and economics in 1953 and an M.S. degree in economics in 1955. Mr. Langford remained at Baylor and served as a professor in the Hankamer School of Business until 1968. He and his wife, Marcheta L. Langford (B.M. 1953), have one daughter, Laura Langford Lankford (B.B.A. 1980) who is married to James E. Lankford, II (B.B.A. 1980) and two grandsons, Grant L. Lankford (B.B.A. 2010) and James Bradley Lankford.

Comments: Preference to graduates of high schools in central Texas

Applicants must obtain professor recommendation regarding work ethic and previous employment, which will serve as primary basis for selection.

Criteria:  For Finance or Banking majors who are a junior or senior.

Minimum GPA: 2.75

Need/Merit: Based on merit.

Contact: None listed.