Departmental Scholarships

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Scholarship: Steve & Penny Carlile HSB Schp

Information: The Steve B. and Penny Flowers Carlile Endowed Scholarship Fund in Business was established in 2010 by Steve and Penny Carlile of Marshall, Texas. Steve and Penny are graduates of Baylor University. Steve holds a 1973 B.B.A. degree and a 1975 J.D. from Baylor Law School; Penny also holds a 1973 B.B.A. degree. Both have served on the Hankamer School of Business advisory board. Steve and Penny believe Baylor provides an excellent education in a Christian environment. Through this endowment, the Carliles hope to enable students who are interested in pursuing a business degree the opportunity to do so.

Comments: Initial awards from this scholarship are restricted to incoming students. Currently enrolled students who do not already have a Steve and Penny Carlile HSB Scholarship are not eligible for this award. Application deadline is March 1st.

Criteria:  For Pre-Business majors in the School of Business who are a freshman.

Minimum GPA: 3.00

Need/Merit: Based on need and merit.

Contact: Victoria Grubic