Departmental Scholarships

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Scholarship: Raymond & Allene Hubler Schp

Information: The Raymond O. and Allene Breech Hubler Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 2007 through a bequest in the last will and testament of Allene Breech Hubler. In addition, the Raymond O. Hubler Chair of Ministry Guidance and the J. David Slover Professorship of Ministry Guidance were established through Mrs. Hubler's estate. With her husband, Raymond, an electrical engineer, the Hubler generously supported the Baptist churches where they lived. The Hublers developed their love for Baylor by learning about the University from family friend, Bill Russell (BBA'78, JD '80). This endowed scholarship fund provides assistance to deserving ministry students who are participating in the Ministry Guidance Program.

Comments: The Hubler Endowed Scholarship is a competitive scholarship, awarded to a few selected students based on academic achievement and ministry leadership involvement. The amount of the scholarship is $5000 a semester/$10,000 a year and there are only 5 scholarships awarded each year to incoming freshmen with a religion major. The deadline to apply is March 15th.

Criteria:  For Undergraduate students in the Religion department.

Minimum GPA: 3.00

Need/Merit: Based on need and merit.

Contact: Heather Starkey