Departmental Scholarships

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Scholarship: Trent & Sue-Lynn Voigt Schp

Information: The Trent and Sue-Lynn Voigt Endowed Scholarship Fund in Computer Science was established to help computer science students who may not be at the top of their class and, therefore, not offered financial assistance from other entities or sources. However, they have the ability to creatively use their talents to succeed in a technology related field. The Voigts' desire is to provide many students the opportunity to succeed in a highly competitive field.

Mr. Voigt is a 1986 Baylor graduate with a B.S. in computer science. He was the first Baylor computer science alumnus to serve on the School of Engineering and Computer Science Advisory Board. Mrs. Voigt received her J.D. from Gonzaga University in 1989. Trent and Sue-Lynn have been blessed with a fortunate lifestyle because of the extremely hard work they poured into building a technology company. In 1990, the Voigts founded Triumphant Enterprises, Inc., a payment transaction processing company. They sold Triumphant Enterprises in 1999 and later founded Transactional Technologies, L.L.C., Providence Interactive Capital, Standard Payments and other entities.

Criteria:  For Undergraduate Computer Science majors.

Minimum GPA: The University requires a minimum GPA of 2.50; however, individual departments may have more stringent academic requirements.

Need/Merit: Based on need.
