Departmental Scholarships

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Scholarship: Virgil Tweedie Family Schp

Information: The Virgil L. Tweedie Family Endowed Scholarship Fund in Chemistry was established in 2003 by Virgil L. Tweedie of Waco, Texas in memory of his wife, Helen Tweedie. Mrs. Helen Hultz Tweedie received a B.A. degree from Baylor University in 1961. Dr. Tweedie taught chemistry at Baylor from 1946 to 1948 and returned to Baylor in the fall of 1950 as an Assistant Professor and continued his teaching career until 1988 when he retired as Professor Emeritus of Chemistry. This endowed scholarship fund provides assistance to graduate or undergraduate students who are majoring in chemistry or biochemistry and preparing for a profession in the field of chemistry.

Comments: For graduate Chemistry or Biochemistry majors who are a senior; restricted to students preparing for profession career in chemistry (not pre-medical, pre-dental or pre-health fields).

Criteria:  For graduate Chemistry or Biochemistry majors who are a senior.

Minimum GPA: 3.25

Need/Merit: Based on need and merit.
