Departmental Scholarships

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Scholarship: Herrington Nursing Alumni Schp

Information: The Louise Herrington School of Nursing Alumni Endowed Scholarship Fund was created by nursing school alumni at the Baylor University Louise Herrington School of Nursing Reunion on November 4, 2007. At this reunion, Georganna Simpson gave a challenge to the alumni in attendance. She encouraged them with these words: "It is time we give back to our nursing school." She also added that an anonymous donor would match any gifts given that day up to $5,000. A total of over $10,000 was raised. Since that day, many more alumni have bestowed individual gifts to this fund. It is the dream of these alumni that this scholarship will help deserving students attend the Louise Herrington School of Nursing.

Criteria:  For Undergraduate students in the School of Nursing.

Minimum GPA: The University requires a minimum GPA of 2.50; however, individual departments may have more stringent academic requirements.

Need/Merit: Based on need and merit.

Contact: None listed.