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Scholarship: Madalene & James Butler Schp

Information: The Madalene and James Reuben Butler Endowed Scholarship fund was established in 2008 by James Reuben Butler of New Braunfels, Texas in honor of the Reverend Bill G. Arnold.

Bill Arnold graduated from Southwestern Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas and accepted the call at First Baptist Church of New Braunfels in 1966 where he served until his retirement in 1983. Bill's greatest wish was that his family, friends and any that he came in contract with would come to know the Lord as their personal savior, and he dedicated his life to this task. He passed away on August 19, 2008.

James Reuben Butler met Pastor Bill Arnold on April 25, 1981, on his first visit to the First Baptist Church of New Braunfels. Reuben Butler viewed his pastor as a universally strong Christian who was an ordinary man with extraordinary abilities as a church leader. Bill told Reuben that Baylor University had an enormous impact on him. Bill never forgot that and was always a distant fan of Baylor and the impact the school had on his pastor.

Reuben Butler created this scholarship for undergraduate students in the Hankamer School of Business to honor Bill Arnold.

Criteria:  For Undergraduate students in the School of Business.

Minimum GPA: The University requires a minimum GPA of 2.50; however, individual departments may have more stringent academic requirements.

Need/Merit: Based on need and merit.

Contact: Dr. Bradley Lail