Departmental Scholarships

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Scholarship: Robert & Martha Guthrie Schp

Information: The Robert Lee and Martha Dee Guthrie Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 2009 through a bequest in the last will and testament of Martha Dee Guthrie of Dallas, Texas.

Martha Dee (Schwartz) Guthrie received a B.E. degree from Mankato State Teachers College in 19038 and an M.A.S.W. degree from the University of Minnesota in 1947. She also did post-graduate work at the University of Iowa and Southern Methodist University. She was a wonderful person who loved to teach, study, and learn and she always had time to talk and share experiences. Martha Guthrie passed away on April 6, 2009 at the age of 95.

Judge Robert Lee Guthrie received a B.A. degree from Baylor University in 1921 and as a Rhodes Scholar, received his law degree from Oxford University in England. Judge Guthrie served as a member of the Baylor University Heritage Club. He passed away on June 26, 1997 at the age of 97.

This endowed scholarship fund assists deserving students who are pursuing a degree in the School of Social Work.

Comments: Preference to students focusing on gerontological studies

Criteria:  For graduate students in the School of Social Work who are a sophomore, junior, or senior.

Minimum GPA: 3.00

Need/Merit: Based on need.

Contact: None listed.