Departmental Scholarships

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Scholarship: Ronald & Cheryl Murff Schp

Information: The Ronald D. and Chery H. Murff Endowed Scholarship Fund in Business was established in 2011 by Donald D. and Cheryl H. Murff of Dallas, Texas. Ronald Murff earned a B.B.A. degree from Baylor University in 1975. He is the president of JKL Group, a private investment firm. He currently serves as the Baylor University Board of Regents. He also serves as the chair of the Baylor University Medical center and is a trustee for the Guidestone Financial Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Cheryl Murff earned a B.A. degree from Baylor University in 1975. She is a member of the Baylor University Women’s Council of Dallas and serves on the board of HIS Bridgebuilders, an inner city, faith-based job training ministry. The Murffs are members of the Baylor Bear Foundation, Old Main Society, and are life members of the Baylor Alumni Association.

Criteria:  For Undergraduate students in the School of Business.

Minimum GPA: The University requires a minimum GPA of 2.50; however, individual departments may have more stringent academic requirements.

Need/Merit: Based on need.
