Departmental Scholarships

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Scholarship: Good Samaritan/Roberts Schp

Information: The Good Samaritan Endowed Scholarship Fund in Nursing Honoring Gaye and Bob Roberts, Sr., Christian Foundations of Faith, Inc. was established in 2011 by Sandra Roberts Tindel and Andy Tindel of Tyler, Texas in honor of Gaye and Bob Roberts, Sr. Bob Roberts, Sr. became a licensed, ordained Baptist minister in 1954. He met Clara (Gaye) Roberts at a Voth Baptist Church picnic and she quickly became the love of his life. Bob and Gaye later married and moved to Waco where Bob attended Baylor University, graduating in 1956. They raised four children in the faith and Baptist tradition and they all serve Christ through their various calls.
Andy Tindel received his B.B.A. and J.D. degrees from Baylor University in 1979 and 1982, respectively. He currently serves as the managing attorney of the Tyler, Texas office of the Provost/Umphrey Law Firm, L.L.P. Sandra Tindel received her B.S.N. degree from Baylor University in 1978 and had an active healthcare career until 1993.

Comments: Preference to those who plan to enter the mission field

Criteria:  For Undergraduate students in the School of Nursing.

Minimum GPA: The University requires a minimum GPA of 2.50; however, individual departments may have more stringent academic requirements.

Need/Merit: Based on need.

Contact: Endalk Tulu