Departmental Scholarships

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Scholarship: Morris-Chalker Scholarship

Information: The Morris Foundation was established in 1988 by Linda and Jack Morris to help disadvantaged children and their parents become productive citizens of their community through better education, health care and social services. Jack Morris died in 2004. Linda Morris Elsey earned a B.A. degree in education from Baylor University in 1962. She has two children: Todd Liles and Laura Liles. In 2010, she received the May Owen Award from the Tarrant County Medical Society in recognition of her philanthropic contributions.

The Morris Foundation Endowed Scholarship Fund in Education in memory of Alene and Warren Chalker was established in memory of Mrs. Elsey’s parents and in recognition of their loving guidance.

Comments: Must be enrolled in a program of study leading to a career in teaching

Criteria:  For Undergraduate students in the School of Education.

Minimum GPA: 3.00

Need/Merit: Based on need.

Contact: Jenifer Johnson