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Scholarship: Ginger Murchison Scholarship

Information: The Ginger Murchison Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 2015 by the Ginger Murchison Foundation of Dallas, Texas.

Virginia “Ginger” Murchison was born on November 4, 1949 and lived in Athens, Texas most of her adult life. In 1995, she was named Citizen of the Year at a banquet key-noted by then governor George W. Bush who named her Yellow Rose of Texas in 1996.

Ginger was a director of the First National Bank in Athens, which was founded by her family in 1980. She established the Ginger Murchison Foundation in 1993. Through this foundation, Ginger left a legacy of beautification and community service as many organizations such as the Henderson County Public Library, Athens City Hall, Athens Middle School library and the East Texas Medical Center, have benefited from the foundation’s largess.

Criteria:  For Undergraduate students in the School of Nursing.

Minimum GPA: The University requires a minimum GPA of 2.50; however, individual departments may have more stringent academic requirements.

Need/Merit: Based on need and merit.

Contact: Endalk Tulu