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Scholarship: McLennan Co Med Society Schp

Information: The McLennan County Medical Society-One Hundred and Fifty-Year Anniversary Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 2015 by McLennan County Medical Society of Waco, Texas.

The McLennan County Medical Society (MCMS) was founded in 1866 in order to provide a way for physicians to come together, share medical knowledge and promote public health improvement. The medical community continued to grow and improve and provided care for the indigent via volunteer physicians from MCMS. Ultimately, the MCMS voted not to charge for their services and to donate the any money collected for services to a special disaster fund, which is now housed at the Waco Foundation. This money is currently used to fund scholarships for those interested in the medical field. In 1969, in order to attract more family physicians to the community, MCMS established the Family Health Center Residency Program. This residency program is recognized as one of the finest in the nation, and is still the only training program conceived and conducted by a county medical society. The McLennan County Medical Society is still dedicated to providing residents with the highest quality medical care available.

Comments: Preference to students with a pre-med educational goal

Criteria:  For students in the College of Arts & Sciences who are a junior or senior.

Minimum GPA: 3.00

Need/Merit: Based on merit.
