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Scholarship: Matthew Clark Scholarship

Information: The Matthew Clark Memorial Scholarship Fund was originally established at Legacy Christian Academy in 2012 by Sandra G. and J. Mark Clark of Lake Kiowa, Texas in memory of their son, Matthew Robert Clark.

Matthew Clark was one of the first students to attend Legacy Christian Academy when it was founded in 1999 and graduated with a distinguished academics diploma in 2009. Matt, as his friends called him, participated in football and other sports including baseball, basketball, track and power lifting.

Matthew was awarded district honors for baseball, was an All-State Defensive Back, and was an All-State Academic Athlete in football. He placed third at the state power lifting competition and competed for state championships in both baseball and football.
Matt was a fine musician, participating in choir, band and worship team as a percussionist.

At the age of 8 years old, Matt was diagnosed with Crohn's disease. His faith in Jesus Christ allowed him to develop a strong inner strength, most often silently suffering without anyone's knowledge of the pain he lived with on a daily basis.

Matthew attended Baylor University, receiving a Bachelor of Science/premed degree posthumously in 2012. Matt desired to be remembered for being a leader, a good example and for his friendships. Those who knew Matt saw his wish come true.
Mark and Sandra Clark live in Lake Kiowa, Texas, where Mark is president of Red River Aggregates and Sandra is the retired fine arts director of Legacy Christian Academy (1999-2016). They have one other son, Byron Mason Clark, a graduate of Baylor (B.B.A '11).

Comments: Preference to students who graduated from Legacy Christian Academy in Frisco, TX and who are pursuing a pre-med program

Criteria:  For Undergraduate students in the College of Arts & Sciences.

Minimum GPA: The University requires a minimum GPA of 2.50; however, individual departments may have more stringent academic requirements.

Need/Merit: Based on need and merit.

Contact: None listed.