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Scholarship: Martha Painter Sheeder Schp

Information: The Martha Painter Sheeder Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund in Nursing was established in 2017 by the family of Martha Painter Sheeder.

Martha Painter Sheeder earned her B.S. degree from the University of Texas, Austin in 1981. Martha returned to school to study nursing later in life at Baylor's Louise Herrington School of Nursing in Dallas, Texas. Just before finishing her studies, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Fighting cancer was likely one of the most difficult experiences of her life, but she did not show it. She never lost her sense of humor and positivity. She knew God's plan was bigger than cancer.

After completing her treatment, Martha earned her B.S.N. degree from Baylor University in 2013. Inspired by her own battle with breast cancer, she eventually returned to work as an infusion nurse at Texas Oncology, the very place she received her own chemotherapy. As a former patient, she had a unique perspective of her work, and she found her life's calling helping others fight cancer.

An example of her creativity and passion was "Martha's Gong." She purchased a large gong and treated a now infamous tradition of having patients at Texas Oncology ring the gong on their last day of treatment so that all can celebrate with them. This is a tradition that continues to this day.

Comments: First preference is for students seeking a fast bacc degree who have survived cancer

Criteria:  For Undergraduate students in the School of Nursing.

Minimum GPA: The University requires a minimum GPA of 2.50; however, individual departments may have more stringent academic requirements.

Contact: Endalk Tulu