Departmental Scholarships

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Scholarship: Bud & Linda McGregor Schp

Information: The Wilson E. "Bud" and Linda H. McGregor Endowed Accounting Scholarship Fund was established in 1985 by Wilson E. "Bud" and Linda Hill McGregor of Waco, Texas.

Bud earned his B.A. degree in 1971 and his B.Acc. degree in 1975 from Baylor University. Bud is a CPA and in 1976 began working in various financial administrative positions at Baylor before retiring as Associate Vice President for Operational Planning and Budget Director in 2017.

Linda earned her B.A. degree in 1970 and her M.S.Ed. degree in 1978 from Baylor University. Linda worked in several positions at Baylor before beginning work with the Cherry Award program in 1991 and retiring as program coordinator in 2012.

Bud and Linda have two children: Kristin McGregor (B.A. '01, Trinity University, San Antonio, TX; M.A. '07, San Diego State University), and Alison M. Weeks (B.A. '03, Baylor University). Bud and Linda are members of the Bear Foundation and supporters of the Baylor/Waco Foundation and various Baylor athletic programs.

Comments: U.S. citizens or permanent residents

Criteria:  For Undergraduate Accounting majors in the School of Business.

Minimum GPA: 3.00

Need/Merit: Based on merit.
