Baylor OT/PT Open House

Step 1Your Information

Step 2Confirm Submission

Step 3Finished

Your Information

Program(s) of Interest(select all that apply)
Required Releases
Open House Attendance Notice: Due to space limitations, we ask that only prospective students attend this event. Please do not bring additional family members or guests. There is a lot they can do in Waco while you attend the Open House! If your plans change and you can no longer attend the event, please let us know so that we can give your spot to a student on the waiting list.

Photography Release: I hereby authorize and consent to the use of images or videos of me, with or without my name, by Baylor University for purposes including but not limited to: promotional materials, printed publications, internet posts including social media, television, and other media sources. I do this with full knowledge and consent and waive all claims for compensation for use or for damages. I release Baylor University, its officers, trustees, employees, and agents from liability for any claims by me or any third party in connection with the use of my image. If I do not want my photo used for the above purposes, I should politely bring this to the attention of anyone who is taking photos during the event.

Medical Release/Authorization: I grant Baylor University and its agents’ release of liability, and if necessary, full authority to secure medical treatment on my behalf and consent to whatever action they deem necessary in the event of a health emergency, at my expense.